Sunday, August 25

Quality center defect history – To track the defects that have undergone severity change

This blog is in response to comments from one of my previous blog. I was away from quality centre for long time and had not got the oppurtunity to reply to the comment. Now I feel I should blog about this if it could help someone else and I know how it can be done.

As mentioned in my previous blogs, history of any entity in the QC can be retrieved from AUDIT_PROPERTIES and AUDIT_LOG tables. In the previous blog QC History for closed defect – Status History, there is explanation on how to join these tables. I will quickly jump to main of query on how to retrieve defects that have undergone severity change

Friday, August 23

QC history for closed defect – Status History

For some defects one would like to know the status history of defect. This can be easily found in the QC when you click on particular defect and then click history tab. But if you want to have this information for multiple defects on single sheet or page, then Excel query option in the QC is the best option.

The AUDIT_LOG table has all the events registered for a entity and AUDIT_PROPERTIES TABLE has the details of these events.  Both these tables can be used to retrieve the history of any defect

Let’s try simple query to extract details for a particular bug. The bug id of BUG table is linked to AUDIT_LOG table with field AU_ENTITY_ID and hence create below inner join to begin with


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